Get to Know Oregon Country Beef
Oregon Country Beef is part of the Country Natural Beef family, and highly committed to producing premium and delicious beef products. Our beef comes from healthy cattle raised without antibiotics, added growth hormones, or growth promotants. Our cows are G.A.P Animal Welfare certified and non-GMO Project verified.
No Antibiotics - No Added Growth Hormones
100% Vegetarian Diet
The ranchers who operate and maintain the ranch are truly dedicated to sustainable approaches that allow them to care for the grazing lands, maintain a healthy water supply, and provide a healthy diet for the cattle who are raised on a primary diet consisting of hay, grass, and forage from pastures. They are later placed on a non-GMO, 100% vegetarian finishing ration. This ensures that there is a consistent and quality supply of beef year-round.

More Than Just Beef
“Our product is more than beef. It’s the smell of sage after a summer thunderstorm, the cool shade of a Ponderosa Pine forest. It’s 80-year-old weathered hands saddling a horse in the Blue Mountains, the future of a 6-year-old in a one room school on the High Desert. It’s a trout in a beaver-built pond, haystacks on an Aspen framed meadow. It’s the hardy quail running to join the cattle for a meal, the welcome ring of a dinner bell at dusk.”
Doc Hatfield,
Co-Founder and Becky Hatfield Hyde