Grazewell: A Regenerative Beef Backed by Science
Love beef, but worried about its impact on the climate? So are we. That’s why we created Grazewell™️, a comprehensive Regenerative Ranching Program. By 2025, Grazewell’s climate-smart practices will cover 6.5 million acres in 9 western states. When you choose Grazewell beef, you can trust that the meat you’re enjoying is from cattle produced with the climate — and our collective future — in mind.
How is Our Beef Different
All beef production emits greenhouse gasses. But with a few simple tweaks to how they manage cattle, our Grazewell™️ ranchers are working toward reducing or offsetting carbon emissions. If you visit a Grazewell™️ ranch, you’ll see ranchers moving cattle from pasture to pasture to give the grass and soil a rest from grazing. New shoots poke through the soil, drawing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in the ground. You’ll see a diversity of plants — good for cattle and for wildlife. You’ll see water treated like the valuable resource it is: conserved and shared with plants, wildlife and people. It’s a holistic approach that treats rangelands as part of the ecosystem, rather than apart from it.

Good for the Planet, Good for Your Taste Buds
Grazewell™️ beef is the tried and true regenerative choice. But it’s also the tastiest choice. With every juicy bite, you’re helping protect the climate and supporting your regional economy. Doing good never tasted so good.

- These cattle ranchers are raising better beef, spending less — and reducing carbon emissions – CNBC [Mar 19, 2022]
- Portland-based nonprofits get $50M in grants for climate-smart commodity projects – Portland Business Journal [Sept 26, 2022]
- Doug Warnock: A look at regenerative ranch management – Capital Press [Oct 31, 2022]
- Trust gives $500,000 to Sustainable Northwest for regenerative ranching – Oregon Capital Chronicle [Feb 17, 2022]